Holiday Puzzle Pad Khan Sarah

Holiday Puzzle Pad
Автор: Khan Sarah
Ответственный редактор - Шленский Филат
Обьем книги - 695
Год написания: 2012
Формат - pdf, txt, fb2, epub
Художник-иллюстратор: Елисей Шакулов

Информация о книге: Holiday Puzzle Pad

This title includes a pad bursting with vibrantly illustrated puzzles and pencil games to test the brainpower of children and adults alike. It provides over 180 brain teasing puzzles will sort the boffins from the buffoons by testing their observation, memory, arithmetic, logic and word skills. With over 100 tear-off sheets, this pad is portable and versatile, making it ideal for journeys and holidays: it can entertain one person for hours, or keep several amused at once; and, keep a pad in the car for long journeys, or have a few pages to hand for emergency entertainment at a moment's notice. Читать полную книгу Holiday Puzzle Pad автора Khan Sarah.
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  • Holiday Puzzle Pad Khan Sarah

  • Holiday Puzzle Pad Khan Sarah
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